Dental Emergencies


Toothaches are common in children of all ages and rarely happen without cause.  Ask your child what makes the tooth hurt.  Check for impacted food, brush and floss thoroughly.  Apply a cold compress to reduce swelling and give Motrin/Tylenol for pain as needed.  If pain persists contact our office to schedule an appointment.

Dental Intrusion

(Tooth pushed into the jawbone) after trauma a tooth can become pushed into the jawbone.  If you see this call our office to schedule an appointment.  Until they are seen by the doctor you can rinse your child’s mouth with cold water, place ice packs around the area to reduce swelling and give Motrin/Tylenol as needed.

Tooth Displacement

A tooth can be displaced or moved from its original position after trauma.  Call our office to schedule an appointment if you see this.  Place a cold compress and give Motrin/Tylenol as needed.

Loose Space Maintainer

Although rare, sometimes the cement that holds a space maintainer in place can fail.  Usually this failure is related to consuming sticky candy or biting on something very hard that dislodges the metal band.  Regardless of the cause, as soon as a space maintainer becomes loose it needs to be removed, cleaned and recemented if possible.  If the space maintainer comes completely out at home try to save it as it is custom fit to your child’s mouth.

Facial Swelling

If you notice facial swelling or a swollen cheek, please call our office immediately.  However, if facial swelling approaches the eye or is causing your child to have trouble breathing this is a medical emergency and you need to call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.

Cut Lip, Tongue or Cheek

If your child falls or has trauma to the lips, gums or cheek, apply a cold compress to the sites that are bleeding.  Inspect the mouth to see if any teeth are loose.  Give Motrin/Tylenol to reduce inflammation and pain.  Call our office to see if an appointment is needed.

Broken Tooth/Filling Knocked Out

If your child breaks or chips a permanent tooth, try to find the pieces of the tooth, apply a cold compress to the area and call our office to schedule an appointment.

Knocked Out Teeth (Permanent)

If your child knocks out a PERMANENT tooth this is a dental emergency.  Put the tooth in milk, not water and call our office immediately.  Try not to touch the root of the tooth.  If this happens at school or a sporting event, look for an athletic trainer or a school nurse to see if they have Sav-A-Tooth Solution.  This solution keeps the cells of the tooth living longer.

Knocked Out Teeth (Baby)

If your child knocks out a baby tooth, we can’t put it back in the mouth.  The priority is to not damage the developing permanent tooth underneath.  Rinse your child’s mouth and have them bite on a cold washcloth.  Call our office to see if an appointment is needed.  Find the tooth and get them excited about the tooth fairy!